2021 European Flight Test Safety Workshop
Dates: 12-14 October 2021
Royal Air Force Club
Theme: “Improving Flight Test Safety Through Enhanced Safety Risk Management.”
Call for Presentations
The Workshop tutorial will explore effective safety risk management (SRM) to include contemporary definitions and available references that may or may not be familiar to test teams. Led by industry experts, the interactive session will challenge attendees on various scenarios and how effective SRM methods can lead to significant reductions in overall residual risk. A Group Exercise will reinforce understanding and provide opportunity to refine competence in identifying test hazards, the causes for those hazards, and mitigations to ultimately reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable. Practicing effective SRM will offer a tangible benefit for attendees in conducting test hazard analyses (THA) back at their host organizations. Moreover, some of the THAs developed during the tutorial may be hosted on the Flight Test Safety Database (FTSD) as a resource for the flight test community.
To complement the theme, we’d like to hear from test teams on their SRM process and if it had the safety effect they anticipated. Perhaps there was SRM opportunity missed, an unintended consequence of a mitigation, or a risk realized that was/was not sufficiently addressed by an emergency procedure. Tragically, there have been several recent flight test mishaps that suggest the need for greater SRM emphasis. We hope to infuse a renewed and intensive focus on SRM as an effective means to reduce test risk and execute with precision and safety!
Individuals, test teams, and companies are invited to submit proposals for potential presentations to the Workshop with a target duration of 20 minutes, and a subsequent opportunity for questions and answers. The Best Paper Award will be awarded at the Dinner in the RAF Club for the presentation judged to have contributed most to improving flight test safety.
Presentation proposals should be sent (and for any questions about presenting) to the 2021 European Flight Test Safety Workshop Technical Chairman, Dave Best, via Dave.Best@Novasystems.com.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 31 July 2021, to allow time for appropriate consideration, selection, and inclusion in the programme. Please note that European Workshop presentations do not need to be accompanied by any written supporting technical paper.
For more information on this Workshop please visit: https://www.setp.org/symposium/meetings/european-workshop/