The Society of Experimental Test Pilots - Indian Section

The SETP is an international organization that seeks to promote air safety and contributes to aeronautical advancement by promoting sound aeronautical design and development; interchanging ideas, thoughts and suggestions of the members, assisting in the professional development of experimental pilots, and providing scholarships and aid to members and the families of deceased members.

The Indian Section seeks to enhance Flight Test Safety in the country by providing a platform for exchange of lessons learnt, technical expertise on flight test techniques, technological advances in aerospace and a pool of professionals who can be called upon to mentor young professionals entering the field as well as cross program pollination of knowledge.

Officers of the Indian Section:

  1. Chairman: Captain Vishal Kumar Verma (Retd), IN
  2. Vice Chairman: Cdr Ankur Jain (Retd), IN
  3. Secretary cum Treasurer: Air Cmde Rohit Varma (Retd), IAF


The cornerstone of our profession in that the test pilot’s job is determining truth.

Ethical Behaviour

Legal & fiscal impacts of test pilot decisions demand ethical behavior to maintain trust & respect.


Professional reputation is established by fair and truthful actions that gain the confidence and respect of all involved parties.

Experience &

The effective test pilot must have experience and expertise for the comparison of test results to insure credibility.


The Indian Chapter of SETP aims to provide knowledge resources to the Indian Test Pilot community as they go about their task of seeking and reporting the truth. This website is the primary communications platform for the members.

Benefits of Joining:

How can I join?

Want to Join SETP ?

Please visit the SETP Website by clicking on the link below to submit your application:

Should you have any questions, kindly write to or with your queries.