SETP has the following grades of membership – Provisional Associate Member (PAM), Associate Member (AM), Member (M), Associate Fellow (AF), Fellow (F), Honorary Fellow (HF). The annual membership dues fee for all grades except Honorary Fellow is $145 USD. For new Provisional Associate Members, once they are approved for this type of membership, their first year of dues is complimentary. An individual can purchase a Lifetime Membership as well, these fees depend on the age of the individual at the time of application and are placed at Table 1. Below
To apply for membership with SETP in the grade of Associate Member (AM) or Member (M), the broad eligibility criteria Test Pilots are required to meet are six qualifying flights as an experimental test pilot for an AM and twelve qualifying flights to upgrade to a Member. Test pilots entering the field of Flight Test, who graduate from an SETP recognized test pilots school (The Indian Air Force Test Pilots School is one such recognized school), are offered Provisional Associate Membership (PAM) for a period of three years. The applicant will have 3 years from the date of graduation to complete the necessary criteria to upgrade to Associate Member or Member. Primary criteria required is that the applicant must be actively engaged in flight testing at the time of submitting their application. Applications and the detailed criteria can be found on SETP website. Once an individual upgrades to full Member, the criteria to upgrade to Associate Fellow and then possibly Fellow is outlined separately on the website and this information can also be provided by SETP at the appropriate stage